Working hours Mon - Fri at 8:30 - 16:30

Fat Frank

Fat Frank collection

Imagine the ultimate comfort full of soft shapes and cosy cushions. Fat Frank lounge chair is the representation of the concept where the well-being of the user and quality workmanship are of the greatest importance. The cushions extending from the deep seat all the way to the slightly reclined backrest allow to delve into the land of absolute tranquillity. The elegant form of the Frank chair is situated on either a classic four-leg or four-spoke swivel framework. Lounge areas, residential interiors, chill-out zones and hospitality facilities are the natural habitat of this exquisite piece of furniture. The chair is available in a variety of fabrics and colours, including natural leather, which enhances the sensation of comfort.-Imagine the ultimate comfort full of soft shapes and cosy cushions. Fat Frank lounge chair is the representation of the concept where the well-being of the user and quality workmanship are of the greatest importance. The cushions extending from the deep seat all the way to the slightly reclined backrest allow to delve into the land of absolute tranquillity. The elegant form of the Frank chair is situated on either a classic four-leg or four-spoke swivel framework. Lounge areas, residential interiors, chill-out zones and hospitality facilities are the natural habitat of this exquisite piece of furniture. The chair is available in a variety of fabrics and colours, including natural leather, which enhances the sensation of comfort.

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Working hours Mon - Fri at 9:00 - 16:30
Examples of sets
F06 Poufs
Poufs F06 Fat Frank 860,00 PLN
F03 Armchair
Armchair F03 Fat Frank 2 670,00 PLN
Setup #7956
F06 Poufs

F03 Armchair

860,00 PLN
Setup #7946
F06 Poufs

F04 Armchair

SIR22 Shelve

860,00 PLN
Setup #7953
F04 Armchair

3 030,00 PLN
Setup #7955
F04 Armchair

3 030,00 PLN
Setup #7950
F04 Armchair

3 030,00 PLN
Setup #7944
F04 Armchair

3 030,00 PLN
Setup #7945
F06 Poufs

860,00 PLN
Setup #7947
F06 Poufs

F04 Armchair

SIR22 Shelve

860,00 PLN
Setup #7951
F06 Poufs

F03 Armchair

860,00 PLN
Setup #7952
F04 Armchair

3 030,00 PLN
F06 Poufs
Poufs F06 Fat Frank 860,00 PLN
F03 Armchair
Armchair F03 Fat Frank 2 670,00 PLN
F06 Poufs
Poufs F06 Fat Frank 860,00 PLN
F04 Armchair
Armchair F04 Fat Frank 3 030,00 PLN
SIR22 Shelve
Shelve SIR22 Fat Frank 5 070,00 PLN
F04 Armchair
Armchair F04 Fat Frank 3 030,00 PLN
F04 Armchair
Armchair F04 Fat Frank 3 030,00 PLN
F04 Armchair
Armchair F04 Fat Frank 3 030,00 PLN
F04 Armchair
Armchair F04 Fat Frank 3 030,00 PLN
F06 Poufs
Poufs F06 Fat Frank 860,00 PLN
F06 Poufs
Poufs F06 Fat Frank 860,00 PLN
F04 Armchair
Armchair F04 Fat Frank 3 030,00 PLN
SIR22 Shelve
Shelve SIR22 Fat Frank 5 070,00 PLN
F06 Poufs
Poufs F06 Fat Frank 860,00 PLN
F03 Armchair
Armchair F03 Fat Frank 2 670,00 PLN
F04 Armchair
Armchair F04 Fat Frank 3 030,00 PLN
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(77) 457 43 30 - opolskie,
(71) 718 85 73 - dolnośląskie.

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